Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 11: A good day

This is going to be a short one - with no pictures (gasp!) - because today was the first day I spent without Ava in quite a while.

Ava decided she *really* didn't want to take the oxy last night, against doctors orders.  She hadn't been in pain all day with only taking Tylenol, so I agreed.  Unfortunately, it went about the way I expected.  She was awake and uncomfortable every hour or two nearly the entire night.  Finally at 4am, I convinced her to take the oxy so that she could go to sleep and stay asleep.  I think the extender bar stretches her more than she thinks - and sleeping on her back is still such an issue for her.

The good news is that she woke up in the morning feeling good and not sick at all!  We all slept in a bit and I took some time to talk through all the things that Ryan needs to remember while I'm gone.  I have a newborn session scheduled in VB on Sunday and I simply cannot put it off another week.  We even got Ava showered and did pin care before 11am.  She did really well today.  Still very anxious and worried, but there were not nearly the tears and freaking out that there has been in the past.  There was only one sponge that was 'stuck' (that pesky pin closest to her knee) so she did great getting the other ones off without too much anxiety.

Ryan, Ava & I played a game of Quirkle - which honestly was a lot of fun.  :)  And then it was time for me to leave.  I admit to getting a little teary saying goodbye to her - and she looked at me funny, ha! - but made a hasty exit and got on the road.  I know they will be okay for 24 hours.

Nana & Papa are still there, so I don't feel so bad leaving Ryan & Ava.  I know that if he needs something, they can run to the store or get food or anything like that.  Plus, they can give him a 'break' if needed. Makes me not worry so much while I'm gone for sure.  I know Ava is having fun playing games with them - it's a nice distraction for her.

I ended up hitting nearly all the traffic possible from Baltimore to Norfolk....and I was so frustrated.  I guess it was good to have 5 hours in the car with nothing to do but think and decompress.  But since I hate traffic so much, it wasn't relaxing at all.  I got to my moms and Carter gave me a big hug, which was awesome.  When I put him to bed tonight, he said, "I love you, Mommy.  And I really missed you."  Kinda broke me up a bit.

I am thinking about taking him back with me tomorrow as a surprise for Ava.  If Ryan can work from Baltimore on Monday, it might work.  And I know she would LOVE that.  :)

Ava and I FaceTime'd tonight at bedtime and I coached Ryan through her stretches.  She is hopefully off to dreamland now....I'm sitting on my couch for the first time and it feels great.  Can't wait to be home for good soon!!

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