Tuesday, September 5, 2017

3 year update!

I recently was asked by someone how Ava is doing and they said "the last thing on the blog is a 6 month checkup update!  Yikes!!

We are now 3 years post ex fix.  That seems hard to believe. In some ways, it feels like Perthes totally took over her life and in other ways, it really feels like a distant memory to us.

Ava has completely moved on from Perthes.  We still have checkups from Dr. Standard - in fact, we have one coming up in a couple weeks and I'll try to remember to update.  We actually haven't seen him since LAST YEAR. :o  He said that we are fine to be on yearly appointments now unless something changes. That was amazing to hear!

Here are her updates by date:
August 2015 (10 months after ex fix removal) - climbing the rock wall at the pool!

We went to Universal Studios to the Harry Potter world and when she went back to school, she took her ex fix (daddy glued it all back together for her) so that she could pass it around her class and they could see how heavy it was!!

October 2015  (12 months after ex fix removal):
Ava running at a field hockey practice 

March 2016 
Ava running the Final Mile (the last mile of the Shamrock Half Marathon)

And still working hard at PT to regain strength and range of motion:

May 2016 - End of the year party for her 4th grade class was at the ROLLER SKATING RINK!  I was a little worried, to be honest, not just that she wouldn't be able to have the range of motion to skate, but also that she could fall on her hip...yikes!  But I tried to be calm and let her be a kid.  And she did GREAT!

July 2016 - Being a KID at the waterpark!  This is the stuff she would be missing out on if we had gone with a 'wait and see' approach! The ex fix gave her childhood back!!

July 2016 - Camp Perthes
This was definitely the highlight of Ava's year!  Earl Cole, a winner of Survivor, battled Perthes as a child.  He started this camp for kids with Perthes to be with others who understand what it's like. The camp was in Florida, but I really wanted Ava to have this experience! She absolutely LOVED it.  And she got to hang with Annabelle, who we met in Baltimore and who had the ex fix after Ava at only 5yo!

September 2016:  We went to the Adventure Park, which is a high ropes and ziplining course.  She had an absolute BLAST (my daredevil!) and only had minor aches the next day - amazing!!

Also, we saw Dr. Standard for our next checkup.  Here are her xrays.  He cleared her to come back IN A YEAR!!!!  So exciting to get to the stage where we don't have to drive up there every few months!!

October 2016 (2 years after ex fix removal)
Ava is back to playing softball and LOVING IT!

She's also on both summer AND winter swim team to keep building strength and keeping up with range of motion.  She is NOT good at doing her daily Perthes exercises, but these daily swim practices help her maintain most of her ROM. 

March 2017:  We went on a family cruise for Spring Break and they had a rock climbing wall.  Of course, Ava wanted to climb a bunch of times.  Check out her RIGHT leg - that's the Perthes leg that she couldn't flex or bend the knee well after the ex fix!!!  

May 2017 - Softball season again!  Check out this RUN to first base!  She's not the fastest on the team, but by gosh, she loves it and we are thrilled for her to be able to participate!

Sorry to have all that to catch up on in one post, but I wanted to let everyone know how Ava has been doing.  Will try to update after her appointment with Dr. Standard and share more pics and xrays then!

Feel free to email me at amcghee77@gmail dot com if you have any questions or need support on your child's journey with Perthes!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

6 month Checkup with Dr. Standard

It's been almost 7 months since the external fixator was removed in October and we had our follow up appointment with Dr. Standard on Monday.  It was a whirlwind of a trip because we had to drive up to Baltimore and back all in the same day for her appointment.  So, we left at 5am for the 4+ hour drive up, waited for about 2 hours before seeing the doc and then drove 5+ hours back, which turned into 6 hours because of traffic.  :(

I was really worried about this appointment.  I don't know why I started to get nervous a few days before...maybe because it's been three months since we were last there and I am used to more frequent xrays and updates since we had been going every 6 weeks or so.  But I just had this fear that we were not going to get good news.

So, the xrays were somewhat difficult to read, but Dr. Standard seemed pleased with the bone regrowth in her femoral head and how it was sitting inside the acetabulum (cup).  He said that part of the head is still not completely regrown, and there is one spot, in particular, that is a bit concerning because it looks like there is a bump or divot or something in the bone.  The best way to overcome that is to maintain good range of motion and it should work itself out.  At this point, the ex fix treatment seems to have done exactly what we were hoping for - it kept the bone in the correct position while it fell apart and regrew initially and sped up the process substantially.  He said she can continue to play softball and has no restrictions on movement at all.  Hallelujah!

Here she is at softball last week:

BUT - he is concerned about her lack of range of motion since it really hasn't improved *that* much in three months.  He thinks that she may have even lost a bit of ground with regard to her abduction - which is how far apart she can spread her legs - and so he told her that she needs to start wearing her brace again at night.  She is devastated....and frankly, I'm sad for her too.  She has just gotten back to being able to sleep all night comfortably and it really isn't easy to sleep in that contraption that keeps her legs spread.  :(

He also said that we need to really double down on the stretches and make sure we are doing them TWICE a day.  We have gotten a bit complacent with them, honestly, because it's been such a struggle with Ava's attitude and our family's schedule.  She still fights us tooth-and-nail on these things and some nights, when everyone is tired, it's just easier to say, "Nevermind - just go to bed!".  But we can't do that anymore.  We have to make her do them no matter what - through tears and tantrums, they have to get done.

Here are the stretches we MUST do: http://www.lifebridgehealth.org/Uploads/Public/Documents/RIAO/ICLL/PatientHandouts/PerthesExercisesHandout.pdf

And the physical therapists at CHKD have given us a whole other group of stretches and exercises to do for strengthening and range of motion, too.  It's exhausting, truly.  But we are hopeful that with renewed resolve to follow protocol, her range of motion will improve by the time we come back in another 3 months for her next checkup.  Last week, they had a little party for Ava at PT to celebrate her 100th visit.  Not sure that's really an achievement....haha.....especially since they are billing insurance about $400 per visit!  OMG!  But they were very sweet to give her a certificate and balloon and she thought it was fun.  lol

So, all in all, a decent appointment.

Dr. Standard said that if by the middle of summer (Early to mid July), we haven't seen improvement in her range of motion numbers, we need to call him and schedule some more time in the OR - under sedation, they will do another round of Botox injections and manipulations.  Which is lovely since our insurance still hasn't approved the bills for the other two Botox injections because it's used for cosmetic reasons usually and is considered 'experimental' when used for this.  *roll eyes*  Don't get me started on insurance woes.....

Ava's gait (or walk) is fairly decent when she pays attention.  But when she's tired or has to go very far, it's pretty much like a teeter-totter.  We are hoping that once she gets full range of motion back, it will even out more.  I'll have to record her soon and put it on here so that my fellow Perthes moms can tell me if it's 'normal'.  What we are learning is that there really is no NORMAL for Perthes Disease.  It affects each kid differently and the treatments don't work across the board exactly the same for every child.  So we will just keep on keepin' on....thanks for all the prayers and support. It means so much to know that you are out there reading and following our journey!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Winter Forever.....

It feels like Winter is going to last forever this year!  We have had so much SNOW this year - which means SNOW DAYS off school and the kids are so bored with not being able to play outside much.  It's just too darn cold!

Ava is still working hard at maintaining her range of motion.  She still fights us on our daily stretches (that may never change) but seems to do better with the physical therapists, so we continue to go to PT three days a week.  It is a drain - both physically and financially, but until she can really get full range of motion and start working on strengthening and gait training, we have to stick it out.

Her scars are healing pretty nicely.  They are turning a more purpleish color rather than red/pink and the top ones (that you can't see in this picture) seem to be healing more quickly.  Doesn't surprise me since the bottom three were the ones that were such gaping holes and gave her so much trouble with the ex fix.

I recently went through the 'tub of medicine' and organized and threw away a lot of stuff from the ex fix days.  I lined it all up on the kitchen counter and couldn't help myself as the tears started flowing.  I never imagined I would have to give my child Oxycodone....for months at a time.  I never imagined having this much medication and medical supplies in my house.  We have been so spoiled for so long with good health and no physical issues that this came out of nowhere and really shocked us.

On March 7th, something truly AMAZING happened.  Something that was not at all amazing 8 months ago.  Ava rode her bike.  I know, you're thinking, "So what?  She's almost 9yo." but the range of motion and strength required to ride a bike is something that has eluded her since she got the ex fix off.  But she LOVES riding her bike and even when she got the all clear from Dr. Standard, she still wasn't able to.  But that's all over now, baby!  She's off!!!

We met with some friends to play and Ava even was ROCK WALL CLIMBING!!  Truly incredible!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

ROM Improvements!

We are continuing on the path to better range of motion!!  FINALLY - and I know it sounds like I'm being melodramatic here, but it truly felt for a while like we were never going to get back to 'normal'.  I know that when your child has a disability or disease, they say that your definition of normal changes.  I never accepted that for Ava.  I read all about Perthes Disease and the stories other parents told and I thought to myself, "There HAS to be a better way. There is no way that she will never be able to play sports or run or be a kid.  That just cannot be."  I did SO MUCH RESEARCH and read and read and read.  We chose Dr. Standard in Baltimore because he offered us what nobody else that we saw could - a chance for our child to be a KID.  A normal kid.  Not a kid with wheelchairs and walkers and crutches and restrictions.  A kid who, after some really rough months of surgeries and treatments, would have a normal body and normal range of motion and be allowed to do normal kid activities.  We were fortunate that he was only 5 hours away from our home, but I am pretty sure that we would have traveled however far we needed to for him to have treated our daughter in order to maintain that normal childhood for her.

January 14th, 2015 - 3 months after the external fixator was removed, Ava made it to TRIPLE DIGITS in her hip range of motion!!  104 degree hip flexion (and 80 degree knee flexion!).  The physical therapists who have been so wonderful and patient with her since June were thrilled, too.  They literally were doing cartwheels for her in the back of the gym!  5 days a week of PT since....ummm...forever is finally paying off!

January 17th, 2015 - Ava made it to 112 degrees in the hip and NINETY DEGREE KNEE BEND!!! We were whooping and hollering!  And she got to pick where we went to dinner that night (her choice? Olive Garden).  It is amazing to see her sitting up straight at the table in a regular chair.  Truly a blessing!

January 19th, 2015 - We traveled back to Baltimore for our 3 month follow up appointment with Dr. Standard.  When he came in and saw her flexion and read her range of motion numbers, he said it 'made his day' to see how far she had progressed!  He said her xrays looked really good - the hip is contained and round and looking like it is healing in a beautiful shape.  There is always a chance that it will develop into an odd shape or have 'divits' or something in it, so we have to keep watching it.  But for now, she looks like a textbook case of success!

Then, he said the magic words that she's been waiting to hear:  You can run AND jump and be a kid!  That's right:  Released to Full Activity!  She can participate in PE at school, she can jump around and run to her heart's content!!  She needs to continue with PT and keep her range of motion progressing.  Ava asked if she can play softball in the spring and he said "Absolutely!".  Then she asked if she can go to a Bounce House and he said, "If it's okay with your mother..."  (which is is totally NOT okay with me, but we'll talk about it in the coming months!!!)

Ava wrote him a lovely little card and he was so happy to pose for a picture with her before we left.  We don't have to go back to Baltimore for THREE MONTHS!  Woo Hoo!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Range of Motion: Part 2. GOOD NEWS!

So, when we left off it was the week before Christmas and we had the surgery to manipulate Ava's hip and knee joints to see if there was anything that could be loosened up or that would show on the arthrogram as hindering her range of motion.

Unfortunately, after the surgery nothing changed.  Ava's ROM continued to hover around 60 degrees no matter what we did.  We had a nice quiet Christmas and she actually had a week off from PT appointments because her therapists were both on vacation.

It was around Christmas week when I started to question whether all of the decisions we had made had truly been the right ones.  What if we had made the wrong choice?  What if we never should have done the ex fix surgery to begin with?  It sure seems like she's WORSE off now than she was before! At least she could bend her hip before the ex fix.  At least she could sit comfortably!  What if what we did made things WORSE long term?  Maybe we should have just done the core decompression and not the ex fix.  Were all those months of hell for nothing?  All the pin care?  All the horrible showers, the sleepless nights, the walkers, wheelchairs, crutches....all of those months and medical bills and physical therapy and stress and it's WORSE???  I cried one day in the car on my way to take her to the last PT appointment on Christmas Eve.  Here we were, on Christmas Eve, going to physical therapy.  Physical therapy that didn't seem to be doing ANYTHING.  Maybe we had made a decision that would negatively impact my child forever.  And our family had to endure months of hell for what???  It was a low point, I'm not going to lie.

And then last Friday, January 2nd, 2015, Ava had her first PT appointment of the new year.  My mother took her because I was in Georgia visiting my sister.  I got a phone call from my mom and when I answered, it was Ava!  She said, "Mommy!  Guess what my number is!  GUESS!"  I dared to hope.  I took a deep breath and literally closed my eyes. She yelled, "SEVENTY FIVE!!!" 75 degrees!  OMG!  I couldn't believe it.  She had made progress!  FINALLY!  The next day, she had PT again and called to tell me that she made it to 80 degrees!  At this point, I was in shock.  Two days in a row?  Progress?  Seemed like a dream.  We took a few pictures during our nightly stretches and a video showing her knee bend.  It's much more fluid and her hip is staying up past 60 degrees all of a sudden!

And just yesterday, I may have cried big, fat, happy tears when she came home from PT and announced that her hip flexion was 90 degrees.  I honestly wasn't sure that it would ever happen.  Ninety degrees!!!!  Knee flexion 73 degrees.  It's happening.  She's really making progress!!!!

I do still have one major concern and that is Leg Length Discrepancy.  Since we did not do a bone-cutting surgery like an Osteotomy, I didn't think that there would be a major difference.  But Ava seems to have a BIG difference in hers.  :(

The next time we meet with Dr. S, that will be my first question.  Trying not to worry about things now that we are moving in the right direction, but it's hard after a year of worrying.  LOL!

90 degrees YAY!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Range of Motion: Part 1

I can't believe that I haven't updated the blog in so long!  We got to the holiday season and everything just dropped away!

So, after our appointment in November with Dr. S where he said 'slow journey, not race' and we had the knee brace made, we continued to do PT 2-3x per week and stretches at home and try to encourage Ava to work hard at range of motion. By our cruise in December, nothing had changed.

We had a wonderful time on our vacation to the Caribbean - Ava loved it and we all had time to rest and relax and reset.  Traveling was HARD with a child who can only bend about 55 degrees at the hip, though.  She can't sit up straight in any chair, so driving, flying, etc. was rough.  If you have never tried to sit in a chair without bending in the crease between your hip and leg, I urge you to try it.  After about 10 minutes (at the most!), your lower back starts to ache and at about 30 minutes, your leg and back are on fire.  So, the day of travel to FL and the day of travel home were really hard.  I was very worried about her on the ship in a couple ways.  First, the pool on deck.  I was so worried that she was going to slip and fall, but I wanted her to have a good time and just be a kid and play.  It's so hard when you're a parent and you want to create these experiences for your child to be able to just be a CHILD after all the surgeries and physical setbacks and all the ways she's been separated from her peers this past year.  It's heartbreaking, really.  And the ship has a "kids club" where you can drop kids off and they have them put with their own age group to do activities, games, etc.  First, I was worried about dropping her off and not being able to really explain what was going on with her...why she can't sit on the floor like the other kids, why she can't bend her knee, or hip to sit, why she is not allowed to run or jump AT ALL, etc.  And I was worried that the other kids would maybe make fun of her or make her talk about why she couldn't do some of the games.  They play a version of dodge ball called 'gaga ball' and they did other running activities.  I just want so much for her to be an 8yo and play.  :(  But she had a great time and everything went smoothly for her.  She made friends, got her face painted for the first time ever and we truly had a nice vacation.

The week we returned, we headed back to Baltimore for another checkup.  Technically, we were 10 weeks post removal surgery and Ava's range of motion numbers were dismal.  Her knee flexion was around 55-60 degrees and hip flexion around 60-65 degrees.  Her external rotation is barely anything - maybe 5 degrees.  These are bad. Most kids 8-10 weeks post removal are past 90 degrees in both hip and knee, if not full range of motion restored.  I called early that week and asked the PA whether or not Dr. Standard would want to do a surgery while we were in Baltimore to assess her range of motion under anesthesia like he had mentioned at our last appointment.  He really wanted her at least to 65 degrees and she was BARELY making that....and only sometimes.  The PA said she talked to him and he said that we wouldn't really need to do that yet.  So, I decided to take Ava alone since there was no need for Ryan or my mom to come if they weren't doing surgery.

Fast forward to the day of the appointment.  They took more Xrays and he came in to talk to us about Ava's progress.  He basically said the same thing.  This is a slow journey for Ava.  There have been other kids who have had a tough time with regaining range of motion and even one who spent a year and a half to get back to 'normal'.  I asked about anesthesia/surgery and he said he thought it was fine to wait and see what happened over the holidays and we could do it in January if nothing changed.  I pushed back a little saying that I really didn't see how anything was going to change and that I really wanted to know what was going on.  I knew that my January calendar with portraits was busy and didn't really know if I could come up to Baltimore again for a few days at a time.  He said, "Well, if you are really concerned, I can fit you in tomorrow morning.  I'll make Ava my first surgery of the day and we can get it out of the way."  Ava was NOT happy.  She really didn't want to miss her last day of school and holiday party and immediately burst into tears.  But I knew that we should get it out of the way....we were in Baltimore already, and if it could help, I wanted to do it sooner rather than later.  I convinced her (okay, maybe bribed her) to accept that it was for the best.  We hung out with Annabelle, another little girl who went through the ex fix process recently and was there for her 2 week post op checkup and they had a great time together.

So, bright and early the next morning, we headed back to Sinai Hospital and checked in for surgery. I honestly didn't realize how hard it is to have a child go through surgery before.  Even 'low-risk' surgery.  This basically was like exploratory surgery.  They put her under anesthesia and his plan was just to move the joints around to see what happens when she is asleep and not feeling pain or fighting the movement.  He said that sometimes scar tissue or stiff joints can loosen just with a little manipulation and that he can't really do too much of that RIGHT after taking out the ex fix pins for fear of breaking bones.  Young children's bones are still not as hard and so with the holes in them, they obviously can fracture more easily.  So, 10 weeks post removal, the holes are not as dangerous.  But leaving your child unconscious in the OR and sitting in a waiting room not knowing what is going on is so nerve wracking.  Even though I knew that she was fine, really.  Barring any crazy complication, she was fine.  But crazy complications happen and it is hard to sit in a waiting room, alone, and just wait.  Not knowing.  He said it would be about 20-30 minutes....I was in the waiting room well over an hour.  And since we weren't planning on surgery and no one came with me, I was alone with my thoughts and fears.

When I got to the PACU (post anesthesia care unit - in other words recovery), Ava was literally coming up off the bed. Crying and whimpering and her body was bucking.  I was shocked - that had never happened the past two surgeries.  She was asleep when we got to the PACU those times and just slowly came out of anesthesia.  Apparently, the medicine they give before surgery to young children....they call it 'happy juice'.....helps them to sleep more deeply and wake up more easily.  Well, before the surgery, Ava refused to take the 'happy juice'. She said it tasted bad the last time and didn't want it.  I thought it was just for her to be calm and not remember going into the OR, so I didn't push her to take it.  They didn't tell me that it would make coming out of anesthesia so awful.  :(  It was hard to see her so upset and uncomfortable.  The nurse said she wasn't really awake, but the tears escaping her eyes and the confusion I saw was not fun.

Dr. Standard came in shortly after to talk with me.  He said that he was able to manipulate her knee AND hip both to just short of 90 degrees in the OR.  He didn't really feel anything big 'let go', so he wasn't sure if anything would change in her basic range of motion quickly.  But he definitely said the joints *can* get there.  He even took a picture in the OR and sent it to my phone as proof!  He said he injected dye into the joint and watched as he manipulated to be sure that he didn't see any physical reason that things aren't bending in her hip.  So, it is just a matter of continuing to work at it.  I was not sure I liked that answer.  Not sure I knew if it would be better  or worse.  If there was a physical problem that was causing the lack of ROM, we could maybe 'fix' it.  But there isn't.  So what do we do next??

So, we packed up and drove home - it was a long drive and we had to stop every hour or so because it's hard for her to ride in the car comfortably. And we continued to work on PT over the holidays.

More in the next post!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

4 week Post Removal Checkup

Today was Ava's 4 week appointment with Dr. Standard.  It is hard to believe that we are already four weeks past removal surgery....it's been quite a whirlwind!

For those wondering, the pin sites have healed up quite nicely.  I don't have a current picture, but this is what they looked like just a week after removal and they look even better now!

She has had absolutely no pain since the ex fix was removed - which is just incredible to me.  The sites don't hurt at all, and the only time she complains at all is when we are doing stretches/exercises and during physical therapy when they are really working her joints.

Ava was so excited to get back to school after a week off - most kids her age probably wouldn't feel that way, but she absolutely loves school and her teacher, classmates, and even just learning!  I love that about her personality!!  The school continues to be wonderful with her and very accommodating to us.  She has been wearing her abduction brace 23 out of 24 hours a day - she only gets to take it off for physical therapy and when she goes to the bathroom/showers.  She truly hasn't complained very much about it at all - I guess we are lucky in that she is distracted by school and once it's on, she just doesn't think about it much.  I think she's only said a few times to me "Do I *have* to wear it all night?"

The biggest struggle right now (aside from her Range of Motion exercises) has just been maintaining the schedule.  Here is her schedule during the week:

6:45-7am - Wake up, get dressed.
7am-7:30am - Eat breakfast and do 15-20 minutes of dr. prescribed stretching exercises
7:30am - Leave for school
8am-3pm - SCHOOL (including 30 minutes of swimming during PE class)
3pm - I pick her up from school and we drive to CHKD
3:30pm-4pm - Homework in the waiting room
4pm-5pm - Physical Therapy appointment
5-5:30 - Drive home
5:30-6pm - 'free time' and/or finish homework/reading
6pm - Dinner
6:30-7pm - 20-30 minutes of dr. prescribed stretching exercises
7-7:30 - Shower/bedtime routine
7:30 or 8pm - Bed

Phew.  That is a packed-full day for her.  Usually by the end of PT, she is exhausted and whiney and the rest of our night (including stretches) is a tearful mess.  We are all stressed to the max. PT 5x/week is a nightmare.  The other kids who had removal surgery the same day as Ava are already on a 3x/week PT schedule, but because Ava has such issues with tightness and her ROM (range of motion) is so much less than them, we have been trying to maintain the 5x/wk schedule.

While we are seeing *some* improvement in her ROM, I was very concerned that when we came back to see Dr. Standard today, he was going to recommend that we put her under anesthesia to see what he can do with the joint and possibly do some further treatments.

Her knee did not bend more than 20-25 degrees the whole time that the ex fix was in place.  There was simply nothing we could do - or the PT department could do - to help with that.  The pins closest to her knee were just SO close and right through her quad muscle.  But most of the other parents I talked to said that their child's knee bend came back 3-4 weeks after removal surgery.   Ava's knee is not coming back like that.  It is moving, but very, very slowly.  She is resting at about 35 degrees now....and during PT, they can get it to 45 by pushing and working it a lot.  I have taken some pictures, and when I look at those, I definitely see improvement.  But day-to-day and week-to-week, it seems like we are not really getting anywhere.

First picture is the week we got home and the second is last night.  

Her hip flexion is also not coming back as quickly as we had hoped.  That's the one where you bend at the waist to sit up straight.  She is only bending at about 45 degrees right now - PT can get her to about 50-55 degrees when they really work it.  So, that makes sitting in any chair very difficult.  Not being able to bend at the waist AND not being able to bend the knee is like a double whammy.  Makes sitting anywhere (school, in a car, at a restaurant) very difficult.  She ends up 'perching' on the edge of a chair with her leg out to the side most of the time.  So, she is still sitting in her wheelchair at school because trying to sit perched on a chair all day would just not be comfortable at all.  At least in her wheelchair, she can be somewhat comfortable.  

SO - today, we met with Dr. Standard.  They took xrays again of her hip and he said that the femoral head regrowth looks really great.  She is contained and round and healing nicely.  He released her to nighttime-wearing of the brace only!  WOO HOO!  That means she doesn't have to wear the brace at all during the day anymore and can work on learning to walk more properly again!  He said that if there was any kind of malformation, divit, knuckle, etc. in the head AND she had these types of ROM issues, he would be worried.  But because her bone healing looks so good, he is not as worried about the motion.  Because she has the underlying skeletal dysplasia (yet-unnamed-tightness-in-all-joints), he anticipated that her ROM would be more slow.  His exact quote was, "This is going to be a slow journey for her...not a race".  I guess I wasn't anticipating it to be THIS slow....and my concern was that it would impact her eventual outcome.  He said that while range of motion is incredibly important to long-term success of the ex fix surgical procedure, it would take years of constant range of motion issues to impact the bone regrowth at this point.  So, I don't need to worry that these months where she's really tight in the hip will affect it.  Unless she starts not making progress or LOSING range of motion.  So, we just need to continue to work at it and remember that slow and steady progress 'wins the race'.  His reassurance that this is nothing to be seriously concerned about made me feel SO much better.  He said that one other little boy had ROM issues and didn't get his knee/hip back to normal for a YEAR AND A HALF.  Which simultaneously made me cringe AND feel better about Ava.  LOL!  The nice thing about going to a doctor who sees so many patients with this condition is that he's literally seen it all.  He's treated the worst of the worst cases - so he has perspective big time.  It keeps you remembering that 'it could always be worse'.  But the bad thing about that is you sort of feel like nothing is a big deal to him - he's always seen worse.  What a catch-22!

His next goal for her is to get to 65 degrees in both the hip and the knee by the time he sees her again in 6 weeks.  If she hasn't progressed (or goes backward), he will want to schedule her for OR time to put her under anesthesia, work on her joint and possibly use Botox to loosen her muscles around the knee/quad.

Dr. S gave us a lot of good suggestions on how to stretch her hip in fun/different ways so that she doesn't fight us so much.  One is by getting a yoga ball/bounce ball with a handle and making her sit on that instead of in a chair to watch TV.  :)  He agreed to give us a prescription for a muscle relaxer, too, to try to help with PT.  Then, he called down to the PT department at RIAO so that we could go right down and have a knee flexion brace made to help hopefully stretch her knee and get some extra bend in.  So, down we went.  They luckily fit us in and were wonderful getting it custom made for her.

They made it out of casting material, so Ava got to have her first cast put on and sawed off all in the same day!!  

It has a dial to turn on one side to bend it and she is supposed to wear it for 30 minutes 2-3x/day. (Not sure when we're going to fit THAT in, but....)  Dr. S. did release us to 3x/week PT, though.  He said that exhausting her - and the family - is probably not helping anything and that perhaps by going down to every other day with PT will help her to feel more in control.  He said that some kids work better with manipulative therapy and other kids work better when they are in control of the stretching/exercises.  We are pretty darn sure that she falls in the latter group.  ;)  So we are hoping that taking a bit of time off of structured PT, the times she is there will be more effective.

We are four weeks away from our BIG family vacation - celebrating that this year is almost over and that we are (hopefully) through the worst of it with Perthes Disease.  We are going on the Allure of the Seas - a Royal Caribbean cruise ship and can.not.wait to have some down time as a family!!!  Until then, we will continue to keep working on range of motion....range of motion....range of motion.  :)